Invisalign in Copenhagen
Invisible braces - so you can smile throughout your treatment.
At CLEARLI, we are dental specialists trained in orthodontics. The knowledge of an orthodontist gives you the predictability of an excellent result without discomfort.
Our dental specialists are trained in orthodontics at the University of Copenhagen. At CLEARLI, treatment starts with a 1-hour free consultation with an orthodontist with years of experience treating more than 4,000 patients.
At CLEARLI, you’ll get a tailor-made treatment plan made by our orthodontist with a focus on minimizing tooth wear. The orthodontist controls every step of the treatment, ensuring a beautiful and healthy result without discomfort.
At CLEARLI, your treatment is monitored frequently by our specially trained staff. This way, we ensure that your treatment goes as planned and that we achieve your new smile.
General practitioners are experts in dental and oral health, but they are not trained in orthodontics. Therefore, they often do not have the necessary knowledge to ensure you the best and healthiest result within orthodontics.
It is possible to offer treatment with Invisalign after just a short course from the manufacturer. This knowledge is often not sufficient in order to apply the treatment method safely and correctly.
With other Invisalign providers, you run the risk of having a standard treatment plan made by a computer at the manufacturer. Here you can often not be sure that the necessary precautions are taken to minimize grinding and the general condition of your teeth and jaw.
With other Invisalign providers, you may experience more limited control over your treatment. This makes it difficult to adjust your treatment if it is not going as planned.
Hos CLEARLI er vi specialtandlæger uddannet til at rette tænder. Viden fra en specialtandlæge giver dig forudsigelighed for et flot resultat uden gener.
Vores specialtandlæger er uddannet i tandregulering fra Københavns Universitet . Hos CLEARLI starter behandlingen med en 1 times gratis rådgivning med en specialtandlæge, der har årelang erfaring og behandlet mere end 4000 patienter.
Hos CLEARLI får du en skræddersyet behandlingsplan lavet af vores specialtandlæge med fokus på minimering af beslibning af tænderne. Specialtandlægen styrer hvert enkelt skridt i behandlingen, hvilket sikrer dig et flot og sundt resultat uden gener.
Hos CLEARLI bliver din behandling kontrolleret hyppigt af vores specialuddannede personale. På den måde sikrer vi, at din behandling forløber som planlagt, og at vi når i mål med dit nye smil.
Almindelig tandlæger er eksperter i tand- og mundsundhed, men de er ikke uddannet i at rette tænder. De har derfor oftest ikke den nødvendige viden til at sikre dig det bedste og sundeste resultat.
Det er muligt at tilbyde behandling med Invisalign efter blot et kort kursus fra producenten. Denne viden er oftest ikke tilstrækkelig til at kunne anvende behandlingsmetoden sikkert og korrekt.
Hos andre Invisalign-udbydere risikerer du at få en standard behandlingsplan lavet af en computer hos producenten. Her kan du oftest ikke være sikker på, at der tages de nødvendige forbehold for minimering af beslibning samt dine tænder og kæbers formåen generelt..
Hos andre Invisalign-udbydere kan du opleve mere begrænset kontrol af din behandling. Dette gør det vanskeligt at tilrette behandlingen, hvis den ikke forløber som planlagt.
Invisible and discreet aligners
Beautiful smile and well-functioning bite
Treatment based on your wishes and needs
Duration of treatment
Between 6 - 24 months
Members of Sygesikring Danmark. can get coverage
Free consultation
1 hour consultation with an orthodontist
Competitive prices
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is the world’s first transparent aligners for straightening of teeth. The aligners are an innovative and high-tech treatment option that has made orthodontic treatment even more discrete and attractive.
With invisible teeth straightening, the teeth are adjusted to the desired position via a comfortable Invisalign aligner in a gentle but effective way.
The transparent and almost invisible aligner from Invisalign is thus in stark contrast to the obvious braces many people associate with orthodontic treatment.
Made from transparent plastic, the aligners are tailored to fit your teeth precisely. The rails must be replaced every 7th to 9th day.
“Professionalism and invisible aligners ensure good and discreet treatment”

A unique process with Invisalign
Just as the rails are designed to fit your unique treatment program, the number of rails is customized to each individual. Thus, you get the exact number of aligners you need. The number of rails varies, and you will typically get between 10 and 50 aligners for your treatment. The aligners are all different and each moves the teeth incrementally. Our skilled dental specialists and specially trained staff at our clinic in Copenhagen keep a close eye on your treatment throughout the duration of the treatment. That way, they can quickly adjust your treatment if necessary. At Clearli, you always get a fixed price for your Invisalign treatment before you start. Your price is based on how your teeth look and the state of your bite. You can read more about our prices here.
Don't remain permanently on your teeth
Easy to clean
Why you should choose an
invisible aligner from Invisalign
Invisalign aligners have many advantages. Because the aligner is transparent and virtually invisible, it won’t affect your social life while you undergo orthodontic treatment. As well as being transparent, your aligners aren’t permanently fixed to your teeth. They can easily be taken off when you need to eat.
So there are no restrictions when it comes to food and drink, unlike other orthodontic methods such as metal braces, which can limit you in this area as some food can get stuck in your braces.
You should avoid drinking coffee, for example, with the aligners are inserted, as they may be subject to discoloration.
The aligners take up relatively little space in your mouth and don’t irritate your mucous membranes or tongue in the way that traditional braces do. With Invisalign braces, there are also benefits when it comes to oral hygiene and counteracting the discomfort of crooked teeth. Crooked teeth can be hard to keep clean.
The aligners help counteract discomfort and contribute to good dental health. With the removability of the aligners, you can still brush your teeth as you did before you had the aligners. In addition, crooked teeth can reduce your bite and chewing function and cause daily discomfort. Treatment with Invisalign can help achieve a more optimal bite, correcting these challenges.

At CLEARLI, we work closely with TandreguleringKBH, with whom we share a clinic in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.
Together we have many years of experience in orthodontics.